Training Events

Dr. Weisz is available for individual or small-group training in mindfulness-based somatic emotional processing via Telehealth (zoom). Contact him at: [email protected].

Please visit the Upcoming Training Events below to register for an upcoming training event. The next MBSEP Training Event will be taking place at The Evolution Group, Inc on March 20th, 2025. Ask about our group discount (10+).

For information and dates of professional training in MBSEP for healthcare practitioners, contact the Training Coordinator, Kalika Valerio at The Evolution Group, Inc: [email protected].

Upcoming Training Events

Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM)

Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) is a new neurological intervention treatment tool for PTS/PTSD that therapists will want to have in their toolkit. It enables practitioners to completely clear traumatic feelings (fear, terror, helplessness) associated with traumatic events. The RTM training is a 3 Day,...

Find out more
Hotel Idigo – Downtown El Paso, 325 N Kansas St
El Paso, TX 79901 United States
+ Google Map

MBSEP (Mindfulness Based Somatic Emotional Processing)

MBSEP was developed by Dr. Robert Weisz, PhD. It is a mindful, body centered approach to activating intrinsic emotional processing in the brain. The processing is activated and maintained by the client’s and the therapist’s mindful, felt sense attention upon the client’s somatic experience. A...

Find out more
The Evolution Group, Inc., 218 Broadway Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87102 United States
+ Google Map

If you would like to be alerted of any upcoming webinars, seminars and training events, please subscribe to our mailing list by clicking the button below


“For the first time in my life I have the ability to feel at peace. To just to be able to experience peace and feel the absence of that perpetual undercurrent of anxiety is a miraculous gift.
I appreciate the holistic quality of this work. Your approach meshes so well with my spiritual beliefs and practice. Thank you so much for providing this amazing service!”


“Robert is a very skilled in MBSEP, presenting this information from a high level of research and experience.”


“Great, masterful practitioner!”


“Robert is passionate about his material and very caring. It’s easy to follow with him leading.”


“Dr. Weisz was very present. His heart and passion were easily felt and experienced.”


“Dr. Weisz was exceptionally articulate in his description of MBSEP, in its demonstration, and in the description of the experiential work. Very well informed and able to share that information in a simple but profound way.”


“Dr. Weisz is highly skilled and very engaging with the group. He translates his knowledge in a very skillful manner.”


Attention is love

Attention is love
Holding tenderly, and with great affection
The sensations in the body:
Listening to the call,
Attending to the simple truth
Of feeling

Sharing is an act of love
Listening is a form of risk
Emotion speaks through the body:
When we listen deeply,
We can touch the sound of truth.

Robert Weisz, Ph.D.

Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency
The effect of the experience of trauma over the life span lays the seeds for most chronic, poorly understood disease processes that defy explanation by our current concepts of health and disease.  These chronic diseases make up the majority of symptoms for which patients present to doctor’s offices.

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